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Balloon Canvas

We collect their canvas from balloon lovers.


These are fabrics with very good resistance and durability.


Some of these canvases have traveled hundreds of kilometers and visited many countries.


They are used to make linings, tote bags or small accessories.

Advertising tarpaulins

We are used to recover advertising tarpaulins from our professional customers. We use two types of tarpaulins, either they are kakemonos (or roll up), or they are real tarps that we find in advertising on buildings.


These materials are used to make shopping bags.

Automotive leather

We recover scrap leather from automotive subcontractors.


With these scraps, we make small accessories such as purses or card holders.

We also carry a backpack and a handbag.



Nautical textiles

We recycle nautical textiles in order to make handbags or even kits.


These fabrics are of high resistance and are also waterproof. We sometimes even recover flame retardant fabrics.


Nautical textiles are made in bright colors, which allows us to make colorful bags.





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